4 Ways Selling a House Compares to a Valentine’s Day Break Up

The Dos and Don’ts of Moving On Originally posted on https://www.huffingtonpost.com/lee-davenport/4-ways-selling-a-house-co_b_9133818.html Have you ever sold a home that felt like a bad break up from a romantic relationship? Or, are you selling a home now but unsure why your emotions are in flux? Then you are not alone! Selling a home can be an emotionally charged major life event. However, like breaking up with someone that you genuinely cared for but simply have outgrown, the “blow” can be softened with the right technique, even on the most heinous of days to dump someone (like Valentine’s Day — ugh). Let’s discuss the dos and don’ts of selling a home in light of what you hope is an amicable break up. DO GET DRESSED UP Breaking up can be hard to do, especially if you are planning it anywhere near Valentine’s day. The respectable thing to do is to meet your former significant other face-to-face. But please don’t come in your favorite pair of sweats with holes in unsightly places and stains that reflect a desperate need for washing. Instead, dress up and end things with class so that the other person feels that they mattered. If you are selling a home, this is equivalent to having finely manicured lawns, stylish listing photos and advertisements. Just because you are ready to move on, do not short-change your efforts (or the money you can command) by having drab photos that communicate you are “so done” with this home. Three-dimensional tech tools like FloorPlan Revolution can help send your home off in style. DON’T THINK REMEMBERING THE GOOD TIMES IS OFF LIMITS When you are separating from someone that was a significant part of your life, it is sweet to share what was good. It is okay to remember the good times before “dropping the hammer.” Breaking up does not mean you have to burn photos and wish you could erase the day you ever met that person. Don’t forget, there was something that attracted you to the person in the first place. For those selling a home, you are a great help to your listing agent when you share what you loved about your home, particularly when you first purchased it, instead of rehearsing your “laundry list” of drawbacks. Your fond memories may be the inspiration needed for your listing agent to craft the perfectly worded ad or display the features and rooms that other families too will gravitate to and enjoy. Your appreciation for the home may very well translate into a point of attraction for prospective home buyers and help your home get sold faster. BUT DON’T FORGET THE REASON WHY IT IS OVER!  Don’t get sucked back in because you remember...

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