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Share details about your home and I will analyze the data and present you with comparable sales in your neighborhood. For a more in depth approach, we can schedule a walk-through of your home.
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See What My Clients Have to Say
I love what I do and the reviews my clients share truly does reflect this. Take a moment to see what my clients have to say about working with me when I helped them to buy or sell their home in Albuquerque.
Client Testimonials
Find Out What Your Monthly Mortgage Payment Will Be
You already know how much you would like to spend on your new home, now use this calculator to find out exactly how much the payments will be for that house you have your eye on.
Mortgage Calculator
Customer Service, Integrity and Professionalism
Welcome to the new ABQ House and Home real estate website. Our hope is that you find this site to be a valuable tool in getting to know us and useful as your number one resource for real estate in Albuquerque and the Surrounding Areas. You can search for your dream home, get help with your home’s current market value, view market statistics, and calculate mortgage payments. There are many informative articles for buyers and sellers. We keep this site updated at all times and invite you to visit often. Visit our “About” page to find out more about us.